Open Discussion




Well it’s Friday…

Are we confessing today?

I guess I’ll start it out…

I confess…that I am extremely bothered by the mother of Octuplets in CA. I was an only child. I had a pretty dysfunctional home life there for a quite a few years, but I didn’t the answer to my loneliness or dysfunction was to have a mess of kids…continue to stay with my parents…and attempt to gain some fame. I blame the Duggers and Jon and Kate plus 8. I don’t know. Who suffers in the end. It’s hard to deal with two kids as a single mom. She’s got 14 now. 14. 14. I can’t get my mind past that number. Let me say it again 14.

I confess that I got kind of turned on when President Obama got loud during his last press conference over this stimulus bill. It was kind of hot to see him get some folks told in a Presidential and commanding way. That Michele is a lucky woman.

I confess that for a week or two I was testing the waters of a relationship out with the stalker. That week or two would coincide with the time that he was anti-depression medicine and was kind of normal. Now that he’s off of it because he refuses to pay that much to stay sane, he’s more than crazy, and I would like for him to stop calling me, or yes driving through the parking lot of my job again. Heaven help me.

I confess that I don’t like frugal being the new black. It’s hard to reign in my spending, but I’m doing it, but it’s hard. I wanna shop. I wanna spend useless money.

Last and the most important confession…


I really want to see He’s Just Not That In to You…who’s coming along?

Yeah, yeah, yeah……

I should be working, I have a massive report I need to create, but I’m just not in the mood. I want japanese food and sake. I want to be someplace warm instead of bundled up in layers of clothes and still cold. I just want to relax and for half of one second, not worry, or plan, or fret over what comes next. Yeah, I’m still having trouble learning how to let go a bit.

They completed their layoffs earlier this week, and I’m still standing. It’s just kind of commonplace now, no one cries anymore, no one whispers or tries to find out the latest rumor. They just wait for their phones to ring or not ring and just continue with business as usual. I just don’t get it, looking at the final list, they got rid of some much needed eye candy in my office. A Portugese man of almost fifty, with the prettiest blue-green eyes…can’t watch that at the coffee pot anymore. Plus a host of really good employees, that turned deals into revenue for the company, but they kept all the smart asses and big heads that create headaches for all of us in the back office. Me thinks I will never understand corporate America.

I read Kiki’s post from the other day and I’m in love with the chairs she described. I’m in love with her color scheme and I can picture this wedding in beautiful detail. I just want her to be happy and have her day to feel like a princess.

So what’s up with you folks on this cold and windy Friday?

I wish I knew how to do hair and cut men’s hair.

Had a strong enough stomach to withstand blood.

Could even gather enough courage to shoot a gun.

I’m thinking jobs, that are needed, depended on and rarely cut.

My company did another layoff today. About two months ago they made a list ranking employees from the most valuable to the least valuable. I wonder where I stood on that list. I’m still here. I didn’t get a package this time around. Probably won’t get a raise or incentive check this year. Doesn’t matter. I’m just thankful to be employed at this point.

I got a text from a friend, her company is cutting pay. A church member, lost all of his 401K money, even what he contributed. The company just jacked it. Stating either give us your money or lose your job. Now that my friends is gangsta. Another friend, just saw all his incentive programs at his job cut and now they are threatening to end the gas allowance for their travel. Day in and day out jobless rates are increasing. Foreclosures are heightening, and the decision making skills that people have to utilize between buying food or medicine is hitting a fever pitch.

It’s always been tougher for me. I’m single mother, who is determined to give her kids more than what she had. Still it’s getting more difficult to provide the necessities. Where are we headed as a nation. As companies decrease pay, cut jobs, and limit hours all for the sake of maintaining life as they know it for top execs. What happens to the worker bees? What happens to those who keep the boat floating? When is enough …simply enough?

For those who didn’t know, remember my niece. My stepsister’s oldest daughter who had the cluster of tumors on her brainstem and went into remission. Unfortunately last week they found out the tumor started growing again and diffused. It spread throughout her brain and her condition is inoperable. The doctor’s have given her up. Said there is nothing that they can do. Please keep them in prayer. She has to walk with a cane now and her vision has been affected, but she’s still fighting. She was still refusing to share her ponytails with me and she told me to stop blowing her so many kisses. She hasn’t given up and neither are we. Please pray for her strength and her family’s strength. It’s hard to watch a pastor pray himself through this difficulty and still get up on Sunday and deliver the Word. I don’t think I could have done it. As he declared yesterday, he’s not going to bury his daughter. It’s not time to say ashes to ashes or dust to dust. So we’re all believing God for a miracle. Pray with us. At least send warm thoughts and positive energy their way…

On to this morning’s random thoughts….

Why can’t I find a job that I could use my best skill, procrastination…yet again I sit at my desk finishing another installment of my research paper on the final day that it’s due…

Why are young women so clueless…I admit I was a fool at 23… I have a friend from church, she’s been divorced for about a year now…has one daughter with her ex husband…has gone from bad relationship to bad relationship…met a really nice guy at church…then said he’s too nice…she wants someone that’s going to keep her in line and not give her what she wants…Excuse me…Lord please help our youth…

Why are they creating more reality love shows…haven’t we found out that you can’t find real love on tv…why must I watch love show rejects…try to find love…and be rejecting my some gum popping…booty clapping…adult entertainer…

Why is it that what dog the Obamas will choose and the stripping of the President – Elect’s Blackberry major news. Yet no one talks about all the positive programs and steps he’s making towards improving our country unless their criticizing those steps…

So what’s on your mind today…

FB mentioned Once in the Soul Share post. Loved this song since the first time I saw a preview. Movie is quirky and mild but I like it too. The song is precious.

So talk…type…share…confess…you can do whatever you like…

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I posted this because the blog tickled the hell out of me.  Taken from The Fly Guy Chronicles,  It explores the question does PMS justify violence?  What’s your take?

She yelled. She pouted. She cried. She yelled some more. She even said that I was insensitive, and suggested that maybe I wasn’t my mother’s child. Now all of this happened within a 30-minute window where all I did was kiss her on the cheek and turn on the “What’s Happening” marathon (seriously, that’s all I did.) The following morning, she called saying that she hoped I wasn’t mad, because that’s just how she gets when her cycle is about to begin.

Sound familiar?

Every day, men and women experience these types of “incidents” within their relationships … and every day, some woman attempts to dismiss her behavior as par for the course because of PMS.

Listen; I’m in no way attempting to downplay the more than 200 scientifically proven symptoms that are associated with PMS. But what I am saying is that PMS does not give a woman a monthly pass to inflict a reign of terror on her significant other. To be even more specific, there are three types of behavior that are simply inexcusable.

PMS doesn’t give you the right to be rude.

Much like the situation in the opening, some women use this monthly window as an opportunity to throw various insults at their significant other. Some even take it a step further by also including his family and friends. I can remember one ex girlfriend in particular, who actually told my mother that if we were to get married that she would be an even better wife and mother than my mother ever was.

Side note: I just received word from my family’s attorney that I can no longer speak about this incident until my mother gets the assault charges dropped.

What I will tell you is this: my ex would later explain away her poor choice of words by saying she was just “feeling hormonal at the time.” My response to her?

“If it’s not acceptable to say at any other point in time, then PMS doesn’t magically make it ok.”

Needless to say, we broke up shortly after that.

PMS doesn’t give you the right to start random arguments.

Like most men, I loathe random arguments. But that dislike reaches new heights when it’s brought on by PMS. You can tell when it’s happening too, as anything that you do–no matter how sweet–prompts an unrelated argument. It could go something like this:

“Hey sweetheart, I wanted to make your day easier, so I went ahead and picked up your dry cleaning and cooked dinner. All you have to do is come home and relax.” Her response?

“I didn’t ask you to do any of that. Every time I look up, you’re always trying to do things for me and run my life. I don’t need a father. I’m a grown woman, and if you want to do something for me, then I expect you to ask first. And another thing; how could you …. (at this point, she starts sounding like Charlie Brown’s teacher, and the man zones out.)

So what’s the reasoning behind such bizarre behavior? Well, maybe she just feels terrible, and wants you to share her pain. (By the way, that mindset probably explains why Keyshia Cole sings live–she must be transferring her pre-menstrual misery onto the rest of the world.)

No matter the reason, this behavior is not okay.

PMS doesn’t give you the right to be violent.

A close friend called me the other day, and confessed that his girlfriend slapped him while in the middle of a disagreement. (Now I’m sure he said some other things to me during the course of our conversation, but I couldn’t hear him over my laughter.)

When we checked back in the next day, he attempted to smooth things over by saying “everything is cool now, Fly Guy. She was just acting out because of her PMS. I’m used to it by now.”

My message to him was that he shouldn’t be used to it. If it’s not okay for a man to put his hands on a woman when he’s stressed out about his job or the economy, then it’s equally not okay for a woman to do the same because of PMS. The bottom line is that you should never resort to violence in a relationship … even if it does provide me with endless comedic material.

Let’s just all keep our hands to ourselves. Agreed?

The Fly Conclusion:
Now unless you have a note from your doctor that medically explains your maniacal behavior, then some of these wild emotions need to be kept in check. As men, we understand the importance of doing our part by being sympathetic to the endless changes that your body goes through each month–but you have to meet us halfway. Because if you continuously cross the line into the “no fly” zone as listed above, then we’ll be forced to place you in the crazy category with LaToya Jackson and all of the other women currently on our can’t f*** with list (trust me, such a list exists.)

At the end of the day, I think we can all agree that no one wants to be placed on any list with LaToya. Can we at least agree on that point?



I spoke with a relative yesterday who received a phone call from her student loan creditor. Apparently, they used her Myspace or LinkedIn page to find her phone number and current place of employment! After speaking with someone else they advised that yes creditors can use these sites to find you.  I freaked out! I immediately edited my information and privacy settings on my social network pages. When I advised she do the same she told me  her friend  is a Lawyer that specializes in fraud and advised that once your information is out there…it’s out there.

Then I found these articles:

“In many cases, people simply don’t think about the potential consequences of publishing such personal information online, and they never consider that it may later be used against them in Court. In Family Court cases, one’s personal conduct is always a pertinent issue, and a litigant can really damage his/her case by making statements about marital infidelity, substance abuse, or admissions of other types of questionable conduct.  In fact, I’ve been able to use this type of information very effectively in several of my cases.”

Woman and Fiancee humiliated on Facebook over non-payment of car note.

“Strickland received a message on Facebook from an Ashley Hyde who said he looked familiar. Soon, they were chatting online and he was telling her about his Grand Prix – not exactly the brightest move, but then his Facebook photo had him posing beside it as well.

A few weeks ago, Hyde told him she was coming into Oshawa and they should meet up at Burger King – and by the way, he should bring his Grand Prix because she was thinking of buying one.

When Moss found out that he was thinking of meeting a woman he’d met on Facebook, they had a huge fight and split up.

Meanwhile, Moss was befriending Eric Kay on Facebook after he said he shared her love for Eagle Talon cars. But she grew suspicious as he became increasingly curious in their chats — why had she broken up with her boyfriend? Where did she work?

Pretty soon, she and Strickland figured out that Kay and Hyde were setting them up.

Kay finally admitted as much to her online. “Listen in have a confession,” he wrote Moss on Nov. 13. “If you help us find the car i (sic) will take you off the lease.”

She was in Welland but promised she’d get the Grand Prix back to him by Monday. “I told him that I know I’m in the wrong and the car is yours.”

Her offer wasn’t good enough. If she didn’t turn in her ex-fiance immediately, he threatened to post a bounty on them to all her Facebook contacts.

And Kay did just that: “We are currently looking for Jennifer Moss and Bruce Strickland or thier (sic) 2004 Grand Prix (black). We are offering a cash reward for their information. Please message me for details. If we will locate the vehicle on your tip you will get paid.”


His offer was sent out to more than 150 friends and family members on her list. She was soon inundated by messages from people worried she’d been kidnapped or in trouble. ”


In this horrible economy creditors are getting desperate to recoupe dollars. How do you feel about creditors  or even potential employers using social network sites to find you and/or evaluate your character? Do you feel this is an infringement of your privacy?





Monroe Photo Sale

Let the discussions begin.

I’ve got a lot on my plate this morning. Hopefully I’ll be around later.



Estate of Panic


I posted one clip below but the one I watched last night -OMG!


It had one challenge, in which they were all in a compactor full of garbage,maggots,etc. as it closed in on them.  The second challenge was in the dark a room full of hanging dead pigs, brains, intestines they are trying to blindly collect money so they are shoving all kinds of guts with money down their shirt,etc. without knowing what it is.


 AND THEN they dug these long underground gopher holes with many narrow tunnels deep down and individually they had to crawl thru it with a miner hat on collecting money as worms,crabs and dirt are periodically dumped overhead into the tunnels &  then they had to find their way out, they didn’t all make it…




Then there was Cha$e….these scary Matrix runners hunt you while you try to complete these missions.So you earn lil weapons against them as you complete these missions but if you use all of your weapons or cant outrun them -THEY GIT YOU.



Needless to say  I was scared all night!

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