Tuesday, September 16th, 2008




Ummmm,hummm…Is All I have to say!!


K-So I drank a little too much wine and fell asleep early resulting in a 3 am WIDE EYE awakening. So I turn on the TV and go back to sleep to the MSNBC Political coverage. A bizarre political, political dream ensued…ensued…

I was the official babysitter for the Obama’s. Only problem is I really had no interest in watching the girls-wink, wink. It’s all a blur now but I believe at some point I was in their hot tub nekked and the girls were yelling, “Mommy,Mommy dah babysitter is nekked in the hot tub!” I recall Mr. Obama getting a glance at my dairy aire and grinning right before  he and a perturbed Michelle sat me down to discuss…my babysitting abilities or lack thereof. They actually didn’t treat me like a Trollope at all. They talked to me about getting counseling, etc. I apologized and told them I would bring too much drama to their campaign so I quit.

So, what crazy dreams have you guys had lately? Sharing is caring!


Senator John McCain, made a statement yesterday that will probably haunt him for the remainder of this presidential election. The fundamentals of the US economy are not broken. They are not in dire straits. He later back tracked after many, including Senator Obama called his statement ludicrous and further explained that the American workers are the fundamentals of the US economy. The American workers are still dedicated and committed to their companies and their economy. I laughed when I heard him dance around the statement this morning on The Today Show. It is absolutely hilarious to me.

The American worker.

Employees from Lehman Brothers were called to the offices over the weekend to clear their personal belongings after it was announced that they are filing for bankruptcy. I don’t know the details of this announcement, not sure what it means for the workers but thinking about it, wrapping my mind around it for just one moment. I would be devestated. Not just emotionally, but financially as well, and many of the employees across our country would face the same thing. Waking up one morning and having the rope cut that stopping you from falling off the side of the mountain. This is a reality for those who are the fundamentals of the US economy. That’s why this election is so scary. Yes I have good healthcare for my family as long as I have a job. The moment my job ends, so does that healthcare. Who can afford to pay the Cobra rates? The economy has a big danger sign flashing above it. My grandmother is 82 and she watches the news daily and reads the paper all the while shaking her head, looking at our nation’s situation as if she’s seen this before. She grew up during tough times and it’s happening. We see it around us. Why must McCain attempt to pull the wool over our eyes by saying that it’s okay, because we’re okay. News Flash: We’re not. It hit me the other day that it’s September, time to start lining up Christmas for two kids. Time to buy winter coats and clothing because both of them have grown. So now, I have to sit down and budget. Determine how big of a hit my savings can take. Did I mention it’s time to take the car in for service again. It’s part of life. It’s part of the things we should plan for, but with standard cost rising, gas, food, and the like it’s getting just a bit tighter.

I have a friend who lost her job in January. She’s still unemployed. In four weeks her extension on her unemployment will run out. She’s a single mother. Her daughter’s father will not hold a steady job and therefore she cannot get consistent child support. Her mother fell ill shortly after she lost her job and now lives with her. She’s barely making it now and in a month she will have nothing coming in. She’s pounded the pavement for nine months looking for a job. She’s been told she’s over – qualified, under qualified, and just not a good fit. Someone told her last night that she doesn’t look like she needs a job because she goes on her interviews well dressed. She couldn’t even get a job a Spinx or McDonalds because she can’t work swing shifts due to her daughter, mother, and school obligations. Her story is not new, there are people that we pass in our daily lives who are enduring this same thing. Different walks of life. What is it going to take for the powers to be to realize that our system is on the brink of non repair? Will they ever get it?


Week 2 Standings:

Intentional Pounding (Snazzy)  2-0-0 – 286.90 pts

Replacement Killers (JH)  2-0-0 – 249.76 pts

Ki’s Deadly Rhinos (Ki) 1-1-0 – 273.07 pts

The Nuffins (Macio) 1-1-0 – 197.83 pts

Unlikely Assasins (Fro) 0-2-0 – 199.45 pts

Purple Haze (FB) 0-2-0 – 191.32 pts