Sorry I missed the mini reunion on Friday 😦

Work and life has been a bit hectic. I really don’t know if I went to sleep last night or just continued to do things once I got out of class. Today’s post will be completely random and it could quite possibly make little sense. I’ve got so many thoughts swirling around in this head, so keep reading or press the little house on the tool bar and get the heck out of here.

Elephant Balls…

That’s the nickname for my Economics teacher. He’s like 175 years old and he insists on sitting in front of the class with his legs wide open, balls hanging down in his pants. I can’t even look at him. It’s made me consider, will my future husband’s balls look like that when he gets old? Are there exercises that can be done to prevent that level of decline? I can I look at that and feel a moment of arousal? Imagine the presentation, I think I just felt a little vomit in the back of my throat.

Fake Lesbianism

I’m contemplating becoming a fake lesbian. Yeah Yeah, in the previous paragraph I just talked about a possible future husband, but seriously I’m considering identifying as a lesbian…but it’ll be fake lesbianism…I just won’t actually date women or have sex…kind of like what I’m already doing…but I’ll just shoot an evil look at every man who attempts to talk to me.  I shouldn’t feel that way. There are honestly some men I know, love, and respect but they’re either attached…too many friggin miles away from where I am…or totally out of my league. I think I need to stop going to the barbershop, it’s changing my view of men. Every week I sit there and I listen to them talk a big game about nothing. I have a bit of an unresolved history with my son’s barber, anywho, I listened to them go on and on about one client who came in with her son. I was told I was pretty and classy and all that good stuff but this client displayed her goods and they were all in heaven. So the comparison was made between health food vs. soul food. I’m health food, good for you, keep you strong, healthy, and living for a long time, but she’s soul food, good to the last drop and so what if your arteries get clogged in the process.

What’s even worse, women can be just as stupid. I have a close friend, that would be more than a friend if several states didn’t separate us at this stage in our lives, who is a man in the truest sense of the word, but he’s constantly dropped by the women he dates because he’s not rough enough. They don’t want to go for walks and have romantic evenings. They want their backs blown out and they want to dance at the club all night. I also told this guy he needs to up his age requirement by about five years and maybe some of that will stop. Needless to say we’re all stupid in love and relationships I guess. It’s bad when you start finding sense in Steve Harvey’s book about relationships. Maybe he should host Tough Love. I spent the day looking at VH1 on Monday, don’t tell…

Dumb Work Stuff…

An article was printed in our local newspaper, quoting the mayor of the city who stated that our current office building will be torn down and the site used for the new Federal courthouse. Every on site is still denying it. Why would the mayor go on record if it wasn’t true. Are we moving? Are we closing? Will I have a job in six months? Somebody tell me something, anything.

So what’s going with you folks today?